Real Happy Mom

[225] Embracing Imperfection: Being a Better Mom on Limited Time

January 12, 2024 Toni-Ann Mayembe Episode 225

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In this episode, we are talking about the journey of embracing imperfection, navigating the pressures of flawless motherhood, and the strength found in vulnerability. When you listen to this episode, you can expect practical tips on prioritizing quality time, effective communication, and cultivating self-compassion. For any mom navigating the delicate balance of work and family, this episode serves as a valuable guide to becoming an even more remarkable mom, all without the weight of unattainable perfection. Tune in, take actionable steps, and embrace the imperfections inherent in the beautiful journey of motherhood.


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Toni-Ann Mayembe:

Do you ever feel like you want to be a better mom, but you just have so many responsibilities and not enough time? Well, guess what, that's what we're talking about in this episode. Hey there, my name is Tony. And I am the podcast host of the real happy mom Podcast, the podcast that helps busy working moms get more time and achieve their big goals without pulling their hair out. And fun fact about me, I went to school in Tallahassee and then moved to Nebraska to go to dental school. Now in this episode, we are going to be talking about how you can be a better mom with all the responsibilities and a limited time. Now, this is your first time listening, I wanted to first say welcome. And if you're a returning listener, welcome back. And thank you for tuning into this episode. I appreciate you so much for coming on and listen to another episode and could not do this if it wasn't for you. So thank you, thank you. I know that this comes up a lot, where we really want to do better, but it's just time is just so limited. And we're feeling like we're juggling so much. So first of all, I just wanted to let you know, I see you, I understand, and I am with you, when it comes to all of that. We as moms, we juggle a lot when it comes to all of the responsibilities, whether it be at work or at home. And it can be very, very difficult to really show up and be our best when we have that. So I'm reminded of a time where I was with a group of family members, and one of my little cousins decided to start acting out and doing some things that I felt were very child appropriate. But their mother did not see that as very child appropriate and became to yo and make a big scene out of things. And I just was calmly saying, hey, like their kids, like that's what kids do. But my family member did not take well to me, supposedly giving parenting advice. And I wasn't necessarily giving parenting advice. I was just stating the facts, but the kids and kids do good things. Now, I know it's hard for us, because in the moment, sometimes we expect our kids to be perfect, or we expect things to go a certain way. And they don't. So I just want to let you know that it is okay. And I understand that we can struggle with the emotions. When it comes to feeling like I really want to do better, but I just can't for whatever reason. But just know that what you're going through is something that is not unique. You're not a unicorn, you're not alone in this is we all feel a lot of the pressures of being perfect. And being the perfect mom, who does it all. So I know for me the feeling of being perfect and showing up and doing it all can show up. And you know, saying the right thing, or being the perfect playmate with your kids or making sure that you're parenting your kids just perfectly so that they grow up to be these awesome kids cooking these beautiful nutritional snacks that look like they came straight off of Pinterest, or Merck making sure that your kids are eating, you know, five times a day or encouraging your kids to develop the social skills so that they can be awesome friends to their playmates at school. Or maybe it's you want to be there to read bedtime stories and not rushing through and put them your kids down to sleep in making sure that you're the first person that they see when they wake up. And all these things in my mind thinks down perfect. But let's just be real. That's not always real life. And a lot of times, we want to show up for our kids. And we want to show them that we have it together. And a lot of times us trying to be perfect and show that we have it together and trying not to let them down. It's actually doing more harm than good. Because it's really good for our kids to see like, okay, Mom is struggling today, or Mom's having a hard day. That is totally okay. So I know too, especially as working moms, we don't feel supported. As a working mom and dad can bring up those feelings in that pressure of feeling like we're not enough or we need to do better. Because it's working moms, a lot of times there is this expectation that is really difficult to live up to when you have all of the responsibilities, especially now with technology. It makes it even more challenging because before we had cell phones and text messaging and all that fun stuff. Once you left work, you left for work. But now with technology, you know you're still able to get the emails from work, you're still getting the text messages about work which can allow you to or lead you to working late at night and on weekends and things like that. So the lines get blurred. And that's what makes it really challenging I would say to live up to that perfect chin or that ideal life that we have in our heads that is just not realistic. And then also is working moms, we also can feel judged for having to leave work at a certain time to pick up her kids, even if you aren't showing up earlier than everyone else. And you have to pick your kids by certain time because of childcare, or you're feeling like you have to be available 24/7 for everybody at work, and at home, all of these challenges can lead to the feeling of needing to be perfect and striving to perfectionism, which just isn't possible for us, and isn't realistic for us as working moms. So I just wanted to encourage you to accept the imperfections and understand that it is okay to not have everything under control, whether it be with the kids or at work or even just with yourself. And just know that doing your best, even though it is not the best is still good enough. So there are a couple of quotes that I wanted to share with you that have helped me especially when it comes to perfectionism and feeling like I need to do better or be a better mom, when I'm already doing a good job. These quotes I think, are really helpful when it comes to especially the perfectionism that comes in. So the first quote I have is perfect is the enemy of good. Because I really think that we are all good moms, especially if you're listening to this podcast, I know you're a good mom. But perfectionism can be the enemy of good. And I love that quote, the next quote that I have that I think will really help with embracing the imperfections that you have, as a mom is the most valuable thing you can make is a mistake. You cannot learn anything from being imperfect. And this is really one that stands out to me, because I think every day, there's something that we can learn when we are making mistakes. The last point that I wanted to share is excellence does not require perfection. And I love this. Because excellence is something that I definitely think that we can achieve. But perfection is one that we don't necessarily need to be going after. So I hope those quotes have encouraged you, especially those moms that are dealing with perfectionism to understand that it's okay to embrace the imperfection. So some practical tips that I have for you, to help you to show up and be a better mom with all the responsibilities and limited time, I would say a first one is to prioritize presents, I really want to emphasize that quality over quantity is really most important when it comes to spending time with our kids and family members. There's a blog post that I wrote a long time ago, that I think is really helpful in generating some ideas on some ways to spend quality time that I will have. In the show notes, it'll be the link that says five ways to spend quality time with your kids. Some really, really great ladies that I reached out to when I first started blogging, I'm real happy mom shared some really great ways to spend quality time with your kids, if you really are looking for some jumping off points to figure out some ways that you can incorporate quality time with your kids moving forward. So next thing I would say, is having effective communication. Communication is really, really huge, especially when you have time constraints, when there is limited time and lots of responsibilities. You cannot do it all by yourself. And you have to make sure that you're communicating very effectively. And clearly with those in your family. Everyone including your partner, your husband, to your children, everyone needs to know what's going on. And you need to be able to communicate that very, very effectively. And in Episode 103, I talked to one of my favorite guests, Catherine, what's her salary, she talked about some communication hags to help when you are trying to peaceful parent and is so good. So definitely check that out. If you're trying to find ways to do better about communicating with your children. Up next, I would definitely say making sure that you're practicing self compassion. It is so important to be kind to yourself, and acknowledge the efforts that you are putting in because let's just be real. Like I said, I know if you're listening to this podcast, you're a good mom. And I know that you are doing a good job. So make sure you take time to acknowledge that like treat yourself like how you treat your best friend and, and be nice to yourself. Be kind to yourself and acknowledge all of the awesome things that you're already doing. Up next, I would definitely say making sure that you are taking advantage of some of the time management hacks that we talked about here on the podcast. I think there are some very strategic things that you can do to be more efficient with your time and organization. And one great episode to get you started with this is episode 116. This is a very popular episode that I did with Christina sheets. talked about time management strategies for busy working moms. And let me tell you, this is a good one, if you are really looking for ways to improve your time management, because she shares some really, really great things, but my favorite part is how she talks about going from self aware, to taking action to improve time management. So check out that episode if you are looking to improve your time management. And then lastly, I would definitely say making sure that you are delegating and getting support. Because again, you cannot do it all by yourself, or you can but you're gonna burn yourself out. And we don't want to do that. So make sure that you are sharing the responsibilities and asking for help in the home. Even at work too. Because it is easy for people to dump a lot of things on you and think like, oh yeah, she's got it. Because you're just amazing. You always get things done. But it's important to raise your hand and be like, hello, I need some help over here. And that is Oh, okay. So if you are looking for some help with that, I have another great episode for you to listen to episode a 134. And in this episode, we talked about ditching the guilt and getting support, right right now. So definitely check out that one. So I hope that these tips have been helpful in giving you some ideas flowing on making some small consistent changes, and also see that you're probably already doing an awesome job. It's just some things with our mindset that we got a shift. And I will make sure to include all the links that I mentioned in the show notes. So my challenge to you is to take action on a one of the tips that were mentioned in this episode today. So that you can work towards being a better mom with all other responsibilities in the limited time that you do have. Remember that the tips that we talked about is prioritizing presence, being effective with our communication, showing ourselves self compassion, using some of those time management hacks, and then delegating and getting support. So I just want you to know that I see you I understand the daily struggles that you face, but just know that you are not alone. And my hope is that with this podcast, you'll be able to show up and continue to be an awesome mom and just grow to just be even better. So that's all I've got for this episode. Make sure to check out the show notes with all the links by going to real happy to four. And make sure to stay tuned for next week for another full episode where I am going to be sharing with you some tips for clearing the mental clutter so you can stop feeling overwhelmed with your thoughts. That's it for this one. Take care and with lots of love

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