Real Happy Mom

[240] AMA - It's my birthday!

Toni-Ann Mayembe Episode 240

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I'm celebrating my 39th trip around the sun and doing a special Ask Me Anything episode.

I'm answering these questions in this special birthday episode:

  • How many kids do you have? What are their ages?
  • If you were in WWE for a day, what would you do?
  • Why did you become a dentist?
  • Why did you join the Navy?
  • What is the routine that you can live without?
  • Why did you start Real Happy Mom?

Links I mentioned in this episode:
Birthday Sale:
Sunday Prep Routine Episode:
My first podcast episode I ever recorded:

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Well, Hey, there I am back. I am excited to be back. I hope you missed me cause I missed you. If you are new to this podcast, Hey, there I am. Toni Ann. The podcast host of the real happy mom podcast, the podcast for busy working moms who need help with time management and achieving their big goals without pulling their hair out. And I recently celebrated a birthday. And I decided to do something different for this episode. I decided to do a, ask me anything episode. So I have a couple of questions that were pre-submitted that I will go ahead and answer on this episode. So if you don't know anything about me, don't really care too much about me. You want to go to the next episode or go back into. When other previous episodes, there's hundreds of them for you to listen to. But if you want to learn a little bit about me, make sure you stay tuned. Before we jump into this episode, I just wanted to share something really quick with you. And that is my birthday sale that is going on. Right, right now. all of the courses out of the bundles, all the products that we have within real happy mom are going to be bundled together in this big virtual bundle. And it is going to be on sale for one very low price. So in this bundle, You're fine. Time, transformational tool kit Homelife Trello, which is my favorite and most popular course, as well as all of the Trello testing power packs, including the home management power pack, the supermom power pack, the confident mom power pack and so many more. Then there's also the bundle to let's get more time virtual summit, which just passed in February of 2024. You'll get all of the presentations. Oh, the live events replays as well as a couple of bonuses for me. And then there are some other really great bonuses in there, including. Some principles that I know are going to help you with can organize. As well as just a few other smaller mini courses. to help you with your time management and productivity. So if you think any of that sounds good. Definitely check out the birthday sale. Everything that real happy mom has to offer is going to be bundled together for the low price of$139. In celebration of my birthday. So go ahead and check it out. The link will be in the description. And let's go ahead and jump into this episode. So the first question is how many kids do you have and what are their ages? So I have two little boys. And they are 11 and eight now. It is crazy to think about it, but yes, I have. I say big kids, but I have bigger kids. And they were pretty fun. The next question is, if you were in WWE for a day, what would you do? So before I answer this question, I just want to explain a little bit about this one. So I am a huge WWE fan. If you know me, you know, that that is like one of my favorite things in the whole entire world. And my lovely friend was the one who submitted this question. And I always want it to be a WWE superstar, but I've watched it long enough to know that you can get hurt and I don't want to get hurt. So I don't want to be. A WWE superstar. However, I would love to be on the medical team. Or be in marketing and help out with either promoting. Some of the live events, or I guess I'd been on the medical team. Help him making sure that All other superstars stay healthy and strong because there was one actual event that I did watch. I'll never forget. It was what CSRO. He jumped up. His face landed on. One of the posts. And at first you think like, oh, he's okay. No, like his teeth were intruded into his mouth. I was so upset that I wasn't there so that I could be one of the dentists that helped. Get his smile back, but anyways, no. Another story for another day. If I could to answer your question, I would either be on the medical team or be in marketing. So the next question is why did you become a dentist? Yes, fun story. When I was a kid, I always wanted to be an advisor to the president on environmental affairs. Because I really wanted to save the world and. Make the world a better place for our kids and our kids' kids. And then I realized I didn't like politics and quickly changed my mind about that. Big dream and go that I had. So I actually want it to become a dentist after having my own dental issues and seeing how improving my smile made me feel. I want to everyone to have that same feeling. I am missing congenitally, missing two teeth. And it has some crooked teeth. And as a kid, I was not always excited to smile, really big and people's faces because I was a little bit embarrassed about my phone, but once I got my smile oh, beautiful. I quickly became confident and smiled in everybody's face. And I wanted everyone to feel that way. I want everyone to feel confident and to be able to smile. Without any Thoughts of like, oh no, what are they going to think? Or feeling self-conscious or anything like that. So that's why I decided to become a dentist. Next question is why did you join the Navy? So I am going to be very honest with you on this one. Like, yes, I am patriotic and I, and I wanted to serve my country, but. The biggest, the biggest reason why I joined the Navy and not the army. Air force. Or the Marines. Is because I want it to learn how to swim. Yes. I was a big grown woman and I did not know how to swim. And I told myself. If I joined the Navy, I will have to learn how to swim. And that was absolutely correct. In order to be in the Navy, you have to pass the third class one test. So before I went to officer's school, I did not know how to swim. I took some swim lessons and it was. Better, but I still wasn't doing as good as I should. And then when I went to officer school, they have the most amazing. Swim instructors. They're like the best in the world. They literally taught me how to swim by like sitting on the pool and like talking to me, like they did not come in the pool at all. They just talked to me. And Yeah, I learned how to swim. So that's why I joined the Navy so I could learn how to swim. Next question is what is the number one routine you can't live without? Now, if you don't know me or haven't listened to this podcast long enough. He. You haven't heard me talk a lot about this one particular routine, but it is the Sunday routine. I cannot live without my Sunday routine. Now I say Sunday routine, but this Sunday routine I have done on Fridays. I have done on Saturdays and on Sundays. But it's just a weekly reset routine to get you ready for the week. And I absolutely cannot live without it because. Whenever I don't do it. I regret it. And I don't like my life. So the Sunday routine is the number one routine that I cannot live without. And I'll make sure to include in the descriptions. A link to the episode on the Sunday routine. If you're curious and want to learn more about it. And then the last question is, why did you start real happy mom? Very good question. So I started real happy mom shortly after I had my second son. And it was because of two things. One. I wanted to have something online that I was doing for myself, like my own online business kind of thing. And then too, I saw how there was so many resources for stay at home moms. And I was like, wait a minute. Like, I don't see anything for working moms. So they always say, if you don't see it, create it. So I said, I would create something. That was what I needed, which was resources to help me as a working mom. So that's where real happy mom came from, was from. That Season of my life when I literally had a newborn and I had just did my first podcast episode and had the most fun in my entire life. The recording that episode. So I'm real happy. Mom was born out of all of that. So those are all of the questions that I have for today. I really appreciate you stay in this part and listening to this episode and learning a little bit about me. But I will be back with some more wonderful goodness here next week. I know I took a nice long break and thank you for being patient with me, but I am back now and I will see you again next week. Take care and with lots of love.

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