Real Happy Mom

[243] No motivation? 5 Ways to Get You Motivated

September 13, 2024 Toni-Ann Mayembe Episode 243

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Have no motivation to get things done? You're in luck.

I've got five ways to get motivated when you have absolutely no motivation at all.

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Now, please don't make me feel like I'm alone on this one. And let me know if you have ever felt like you have no motivation to get things done. Yes. You know, you have to get certain tasks on your to-do list done to date, but you have absolutely no motivation. What do you do? Well, I've got five ways to get you motivated in this episode. Hey there. My name is Tony and I am the podcast host of the real happy mom podcast. The podcast for busy working moms who need help with time management and achieving their big goals. Without pulling their hair out. And in this episode, we are going to be sharing five ways to get you motivated when you absolutely have no motivation. So the first thing that you can do, if you are feeling like you have no motivation to get things done is by setting goals. It could be something as simple as. Make sure that you clean out the fridge by five o'clock or the goal is. Two. Get one load of laundry done before you go to sleep. Whatever it is just setting a goal. We'll help you have something to work towards so that you can start to get that motivation back because honestly, Motivation is going to come a lot more from your willpower and you pushing through. And it's not something that's magically just going to come upon you, but definitely once you get things going. You'll start to get that motivation to keep moving on to the next thing. So the second thing that you can do when you feel like you have no motivation is a breaking your task into even smaller task. So I know in the previous, um, tip it was to set goals. So one way to take it even a step further is to break down that goal. And to even smaller task. And these smaller tax will give you a simple sense of accomplishment so that you'll be motivated to do even more and get even more things done. So for instance, going back to the laundry. So for me. I know I have some wonderful health pros who like to put things in the washing machine. Then into the dryer and then just leave it in the basket. Um, so instead of just leaving things in the basket, we can break down the task into taking the clothes in, sorting them out of the basket. And then from there hanging things up and then from there folding things and putting them away. So. Laundry seems like a really big, huge task. Um, breaking things down into smart tasks can definitely make it. Um, seem a lot easier for you to accomplish and therefore get you motivated to do a little bit more. The third thing is rewarding yourself. I will tell you, there are many times that I will tell myself, you can have that cookie, that ice cream, or you can get a new pen from the store, whatever it is. If you do this task. And that will get me motivated to go ahead and get things done that I don't want to. Once I put every ward on the task that I want to do. So it can be something as simple as, um, you can go outside and take a walk or you can watch. 30 minutes of your favorite show. Wherever the reward is it doesn't have to be anything big or grand, but definitely something that will get you. To put a little effort in and therefore get some motivation. To get those things done that you are putting off. The fourth thing is making it a game. I love making things into a game. Especially when I don't want to do it. So I will tell you there was a time when I just. Was not motivated to pay off some credit cards, which I will link to in another episode, where I talked to my money coach about how I paid off over$20,000 in credit cards. And I will tell you the way that I really got myself motivated. To pay off those credit cards. Was turning into a game. Once I saw that I was able to pay off certain amounts, I started turning into a game like, okay, if I pay off 500 here, then I can do this and I can do that. And then after that, I can. Get. Um, I made a little Baptist for myself. I can get a badge and then I'll ultimately get to my goal of paying everything off. And I did, and I did it in record time for myself too, as well. So turn it into a game of saying, okay. You know, how fast can I get the clothes in the laundry basket folded. Like, can I do it in five minutes? 3, 2, 1, go. Or how fast can I. Get the kitchen turned around. After dinner so that I don't sit here and dread having to clean up the kitchen. Just turn it into a game and I'm actually like playing a game with yourself. We'll make you a little bit more motivated to get those tests done. And the last thing that I have is just moving your body. I know a lot of times when I'm just sitting down or laying down in particular that I do not want to get up. I am not motivated to do anything, but once I start moving my body, even just simply just taking a 10 minute walk. Then I'm motivated a little bit more to go ahead and get things done. So moving your body could be as simple as taking a quick walk. It could be stretching. It could be doing a couple of jumping jacks, whatever it is that is going to get you to have some of that blood flow in and get your body moving so that you can start to feel that motivation. Creeping up inside of your body. So those are the five tips that I have for getting motivated when you absolutely have no motivation. To get things done. So to recap, those five things are setting goals, breaking tasks, into smaller tasks. Rewarding yourself making task into a game and then moving your body. So I hope you found this short episode helpful for you and you found at least one thing that you can do. To get yourself motivated when you are not feeling particularly excited about doing certain tasks. That's it for this week, stay tuned for next week for another full episode, take care and with lots of love.

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